Professional Coaching Group                                  

We are committed to ACTIVATING your success to the HIGHEST level!

  Micheal Reed

A dynamic leader with over 30 years experience and devotion to ADDING VALUE, CREATING ABUNDANCE and ENRICHING LIVES, Mike is a seasoned entrepreneur and Sr. Executive. Having reached the board room level of a major corporation he has started and provided coaching  support, and successfully developed multiple companies in several diverse fields. He has developed a keen eye for the opportunities to improve, enhance, organize and systematize which creates freedom to more easily attract the finest members to the organization, train, evaluate and delegate and reduce stress.

Passionate, enthusiastic, creative, quick to comprehend and asses combine with integrity and sincerity result in coaching, teaching, leading clients to greater success quickly.  His goal of coaching, like fine tuning high level athletes, is for the client individual, leader, small business or non-profit to gain new insights, learn how to correctly and consistently apply new knowledge and become successful independent of the coach.   

Experiences include service to some of America's largest firms as well as start ups and include nearly all functional areas: sales, marketing, distribution and distributor management, franchising from concept development through operations of multi units, development, sales, restaurant development and management ( both full service and quick service), real estate, site selection, design, real estate developer, builder, personal development, training, administration, human resources, finance, and creative problem solving. 

A polished public speaker and excellent communicator at the individual level and with audiences of several thousands, Mike is an active community leader who will serve you, coaching  to ACTION and EXCEEDING your expectation. Educated at Western Michigan University and many post graduated studies, Mike is co-founder of Professional Coaching Network to provide greater diverse input to build client success. As a licensed contractor 

Ask him how your dreams can be reached more quickly, with less stress.                   

Michael Farrand 

A leading tax coach and experienced Sr. Executive of more than 32 years, has shown individuals and business owners the route to pay fewer taxes an dto INCREASE VALUE while maintaining focus on and the integration of the big picture in life.  In just 3 years clients have been lead to saving of more that $1,000,000.

Experience is broad and rich, including; tax planning, actuarial science, insurance, international banking, trust management, mergers, acquisitions, estate planning, medical office and church management, technology and computer and IT, instruction and businesses of all sizes and non-profits.

As a recognized tax professional by the IRS, Mike serves several boards including Marketing Advisory Board of Business Week, Beacon Ministries and the Sola Scriptura Society, and has been on staff as a continuing education instructor for the Michigan Bar Association. 

Degrees and post graduate educational studies include: Spring Arbor University, Purdue University, The American College, Society of Pension Actuaries and Oxford Graduate School. Mike is co-founder of Professional Coaching Network to provide greater diverse input to build client success.

Mike is dedicated to serving and expanding the success of clients; financially and integrating personal values through transformational leadership. 

Let Mike evaluate if you are keep all of your hard earned money that is possible!

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